Easy-to-access online learning portal: Students can join live class sessions via their browser; no special software applications are required. For the best experience, students should access class on a laptop or desktop computer. Some sessions may include opportunities to participate via webcam or microphone, but microphones and webcams are not required.
Expert instruction: Each course is led by a veteran instructor who has spent years in the classroom and who is selected based on their ability to provide a friendly, interactive classroom experience.
Sound curriculum: The topics for each course are chosen to align with widely used math standards to ensure that your student spends class time developing the family of skills education experts have identified as central to math mastery at each grade level.
Fun, engaging tasks: Students interact with the virtual classroom by writing on class slides and manipulating objects on the screen.
Pre-recorded versions of class sessions: The content of each session is available for viewing 24 hours a day so that students can go back and review topics that they may find challenging.
Out-of-class practice problems: Supplementary online exercises are provided so that students can gain additional practice with each session’s topics to reinforce what they have learned.